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SITE Centers Announces Spin-off Of Convenience Portfolio; Spin-Off Assets Into Separate Publicly-Traded REIT To Be Named Curbline Properties Corp
SITE Centers Corp. Common Stock SITC | 15.02 | -0.86% |
Curbline Properties to Be the First Public REIT Exclusively Focused on the Convenience Sector
Curbline Offers a Unique Scalable Investment Opportunity with a Balance Sheet Intended to Fuel Company for Significant Growth in Fragmented Yet Liquid Market
$646M of Assets Sold Since June 30, 2023 at a 6.5% Cap Rate and $242M of Additional Assets Under Contract for Sale Subject to Standard Closing Conditions
SITE Centers Obtained $1.1B Financing Commitment with Proceeds Expected to be Used to Repay All Outstanding Unsecured Debt
SITE Centers Declares Fourth Quarter Dividend of $0.13 per share and Expects to Declare and Pay a Special Cash Dividend of at least $0.10 per share Prior to January 31, 2024