Why is the color of real-time quote price and candlestick different?
1. There is no relation between the colors of real-time quote price and candlestick The color of real-time stock quote explained: The color of a stock’s real-time quote is determined by the rise or fall of the current price relative to its yesterday’s closing price.
- When the price = yesterday's closing price, the price is shown in black.
- When the price < yesterday's closing price, the price is shown in red.
- When the price > yesterday's closing price, the price is shown in green.
2. Different colored candlesticks explained: The color of the candlestick correlates to the change of the closing price of the candlestick compared to the opening price.
- When the closing price > the opening price, the candlestick is shown in a green hollow bar.
- When the closing price < the opening price, the candlestick is shown in red solid bar.
- When the closing Price = the opening price, the candlestick is shown a black doji (cross shape).
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